Lotus / Sweet Content Calendar 2009 Illustration
Poster project built-up for the Sweet Content Calendar 2009, where international artists contributed by creating an ilustration for every month.
(Original size : 350mm.500mm / 400dpi) - Calendar Size : 420mm.594mm @ 300dpi.
Thanks to Alexander Kalachev & Evgeni
Kiselev for the commission, and some friends of mine (such as Sebastian, Pete, Mark, Alberto, etc...) for the work accomplished.
Features : TrendyGirl.net - LazyHeart - Pure Pleasure Design - etc...

| Xhtml | Css | cc | MMII - MMVII | All Property of Loïc SATTLER | Powerful hosting provided by Hostinger | Thanks to all who support / have supported my works through the years | Lysergid V2 | Lysergid V3 |